
Managed WiFi Is Not A Set It And Forget It Technology

July 5, 2022


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Reading time: 2 minutes

There are a lot of questions about managed WiFi – what it is exactly, how it works, ideal use cases. Mike Smith, and a panel of industry experts, aim to clear up those questions at the upcoming Broadband Communities 2022 Summit in Houston, Texas (Wednesday, May 4). Details below. Broadband […]

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Managed WiFi: The Best Internet Solution For MDUs

June 10, 2022


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Reading time: 5 minutes

To understand Managed WiFi, let’s first explore what we mean by unmanaged WiFi. Unmanaged WiFi is what most internet users know: A user connects to the internet using “access points” (for example, an in-home router) A user can connect to different access points depending on their physical location – their […]

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Supply Chain Issues Impact Smart Locks

April 21, 2022


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Reading time: 3 minutes

COVID-19 & The Supply Chain The COVID-19 pandemic took no prisoners in its capacity to expose vulnerabilities across industries, systems, age – you name it. One such vulnerability in its crosshairs: the global supply chain. Prior to the pandemic, the global supply chain ran like clockwork. Although surprisingly analog, the […]

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Meet-Me Rooms & Communication Corridor: The Head, The Heart & The Body

March 11, 2022


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Reading time: 2 minutes

While the term smart district may have different nuanced definitions based upon the context of a given conversation, all definitions will undoubtedly agree that a smart district is a physically built environment that utilizes innovative technology infrastructure. ​ Seems simple enough in theory; however, building commercial real estate (static) in […]

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Commongrounds – A Community Investment With Priceless Dividends

February 1, 2022


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Reading time: 2 minutes

What is a cooperative, and how does it work? Well, that all depends on the raison d’etre for each individual co-op. In the case of Commongrounds – a real estate cooperative in Traverse City, Michigan – it’s about empowering the regional community with the development of a 4-story mixed use […]

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WhiteSpace Welcomes New Project Manager: Billy Mustard

November 30, 2021


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Reading time: 1 minute

We are excited to announce the newest member of the WhiteSpace team: Billy Mustard. Joining us as a Project Manager, Billy specializes in all things building technology – from hands-on technical support, to managing high level technology design. Billy is well-versed in coordinating security and low voltage design with mechanical, […]

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One River North – A “Living Structure” Comes To Life

October 14, 2021


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Reading time: 2 minutes

Given our unique consultancy in building technology services, we are fortunate to work on some of the most ingenious, complex and creative commercial real estate developments in the U.S.. Our ability to adapt and apply innovative solutions to the achievement of novel architectural undertakings is our speciality. Which is why […]

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How Smart Districts Can Drive Urban Innovation

October 4, 2021


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Reading time: 1 minute

Mike Smith shares his perspective on how smart districts can drive urban innovation in this RealComm live stream. Tune in and hear about the work WhiteSpace is doing today at Water Street Tampa to prepare this smart district for the future. REALCOMM Live Stream How Smart Districts Can Drive Urban […]

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Our Impact At Water Street Tampa

September 13, 2021


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Reading time: 2 minutes

Water Street Tampa made the news twice last week; and it should be no surprise. The $3.5 billion mega-development – that spans 56 acres and includes nine million square feet of new commercial, residential, educational, entertainment, cultural and retail space – is the first of it’s kind smart district that […]

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WhiteSpace Welcomes New Project Manager: Caleb Naugle

September 1, 2021


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Reading time: 1 minute

We are excited to announce the newest member of the WhiteSpace team: Caleb Naugle. Joining us as a Project Manager, Caleb brings with him a deep well of knowledge in structured cabling – specifically as it relates to audio, video and network systems. His RCDD qualification and work experience arm […]

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